Diamond Club

Hall of Fame

The Board of Directors of the Riverside Baseball Association sincerely thanks each of you for your 2023 Diamond Club Donation supporting UCR Baseball.

Download the 2016-2023 Donor Hall of Fame List

Download the 2016-2023
Donor Hall of Fame List

$10,000+ Who will it be?
$5,000-$9,999 Sandy & Cathi Bellefeuille
$2,500-$4,499 Wayne Wecksler,  Bill & Laura O’Rourke
$1,000-$2,499 Eddie Orozco, Mark Levin, Tom & DeEtte, Allert, Billy & Christy O’Rourke,
Ruben Ayala, Jaime Pedroza, H M Cleanup Corporation, Doug & Ruthan Smith,
Rick Hofman, Jack Smitheran, Daron Kirkreit, Steven Wong
$500-$999 William & Rosanne Froeberg,  Dan Pellegrino, Andy Owen
$100-499 Ricky Delgado, Pete McHugh, Trevor Hairgrove, Corky Phelps, Doug Jumulet